Indicators for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

International Expert Conference
September 3rd - 4th 2012, Bern

Indicators for ESD Conference 2012

Keynote Speakers

William Scott, University of Bath

William Scott

Exploring the potential benefits and risks of ESD indicators


Charles Hopkins, York University Toronto

Charles Hopkins

The differing perspectives of ESD and the proposed ESD indicators


Stefanie Hof, Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SCCRE, Aarau)

Stefanie Hof

National monitoring of the education system through indicators


Laima Galkute, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

Laima Galkute

Possible role of ESD indicators in the european higher education area


Contact Information

esd quality, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity

University of Basel
Program Man-Society-Environment (MGU)
Vesalgasse 1
CH-4051 Basel