Indicators for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

International Expert Conference
September 3rd - 4th 2012, Bern

Indicators for ESD Conference 2012


Download the conference programme

September 3rd

13:00 Welcome addresses: Anotnietta Di Giulio, Doris Wastl-Walter, Benedikt Hauser
13:30 Keynote presentation: William Scott
14:15 Project presentation I: Gerd Michelsen
15:00 Poster feedback
16:00 Keynote presentation: Charles Hopkins
16:40 Keynote presentation: Stefanie Hof
17:15 Validation workshops

September 4th

09:00 Project Presentation II: Anotnietta Di Giulio
09:30 Keynote presentation: Laima Galkute
10:15 Implementation and transfer workshops
12:30 Farewell notes: Gerd Michelsen, Anotnietta Di Giulio
Contact Information

esd quality, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity

University of Basel
Program Man-Society-Environment (MGU)
Vesalgasse 1
CH-4051 Basel